Spawner & Mob Limits
Learn about the spawner and mob limitations.
All of the spawners and mobs from farmer, monster, nether and nightmare spawner caches stack. This is to reduce lag caused by spawner grinders.
Mobs from these spawners will stack up to 75 but only count as 1 entity.
Spawner from these caches will stack up to 5. This means you can place 5 zombie spawners in 1 spawner. This is called a "5x spawner".
You can place 1 - 5x spawner in a chunk.
Spawners spawn mobs every 15seconds and every spawner in your stack will spawn 3 mobs. This means a 5x zombie spawner will spawn 15zombies in a stack every 15 seconds.
You can see more technical information on spawners by crouch right clicking them in-game.
Mobs from spawners will stack up to 75 and then stop spawning. This only applies to the mobs from farmer, monster, nether and nightmare spawner caches stack.
For everything else there is a limit of 8 for most hostile mobs per chunk and a limit of 16 for most passive mobs per chunk.
Some mobs do not have a limit or have a limit that is different from that shown above.
Since there is a limit of 1 - 5x spawner per chunk you will want to maximize your spawner grinder setups by building them in between 4 chunks to have a 4 - 5x spawner setup.
This 4 chunk 4 - 5x spawner setup is the maximum size allowed.
Press F3 + G to toggle on and off chunk borders.
If you would like to see an optimal build using this setup visit /t spawn FabledCraft in game.
Last updated